South Australian Chamber of Mines & Energy – SACOME 2021 Launch Event sponsored by Digital Twinning Australia

Digital Twinning Australia was delighted to sponsor the SACOME 2021 Launch Event this week. With over 100 members in attendance and perfect weather, it was great to get back to meeting in person!

We realise how critical the Mining and Energy sector is to South Australia’s COVID-19 economic reset in 2021. Greater productivity, investor confidence and risk mitigation are all key to success. We support SACOME member companies and their assets, and were pleased to discuss digital strategy with so many industry leaders.

We have over 25 years experience supporting the mining industry. As a result we understand the importance and urgency of accurate data from critical systems. Our synchronising digital twin reduces unplanned shutdowns by enabling prescriptive maintenance. We digitally manage physical assets, optimising the lifecycle so owners obtain greater value from their investment. Our clients reduce their cost to operate and leverage the data we visualise to uncover new revenue streams.

Digital strategic asset management is here to stay and early adopters are gaining an advantage – DTA Services

Find out more about how SACOME operates in support of South Australian minerals, energy, extractive and petroleum sectors HERE

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